Tuesday 4 August 2015

TRAINING (PS-7) - PeopleSoft Application Development - Part4 (Step-2: Create Field Definition)

Step-1: Creating the Field Definitions

Fields are where you actually enter and store individual pieces of data such as names, dates, salaries, and so forth.  When you define a field, you give it a set of basic characteristics depending on how the field is used, what kind of data it contains, and how it is edited.  Should it be a character field or a number field?  Should automatic formatting be used?  How large should it be?

To create a new field definition:
1.) Click the New button on the Application Designer toolbar or select File, New.
The New dialog box is displayed.

2.) Select Field and click OK.
The New Field dialog box is displayed.

3.) Select a field type.
Once you make a choice, the object workspace displays a field definition window for you to complete your new field definition.

4.) Once you are done, click the Save button or select File, Save.

Field Types
We can create several different types of fields using Application Designer.

Character - An alphanumeric field of fixed length.
System Shorthand: CHAR

Long Character - An alphanumeric field of variable length; used for textual entries such as comments or descriptions.
System Shorthand: LONG

Number - A positive numeric field of fixed length for which decimals are allowed.
System Shorthand: NBR

Signed Number - A positive or negative numeric field of fixed length for which decimals are allowed.
System Shorthand: SIGN

Date - A date field, the length of which is system-maintained.  Built-in edits prevent the entry of illegal dates such as day 42 or month 20.  Date fields always store a four-digit year, including century, to ensure proper functionality after the year 2000.
System Shorthand:  DATE

Time - A Time field, the length of which is system-maintained.  Built-in edits prevent the entry of illegal times such as hour 26, minute 70, or second 94.
System Shorthand: TIME

DateTime - A date and time field, the length of which is system-maintained.  Built-in edits prevent the entry of illegal date/times as defined in the individual Date and Time fields.  DateTime fields always store a four-digit year, including century, to ensure proper functionality after the year 2000.
System Shorthand: DTTM

SubRecord - A SubRecord field that represents a group of fields as defined on a SubRecord definition.
System Shorthand:  SREC

Image - An image field you can use to store images in a user defined format, such as bitmap (BMP) or Postscript (EPS).
System Shorthand: IMG

Field Properties
To see a field's properties from a Field Definition window, click the Properties button or go to File, Object Properties.
If you are in a Record Definition window, first open the Field Definition window by highlighting the field, right-clicking the field name, and selecting View Definition from the Pop-up menu.  From here, you can view the field's properties.

NOTE: In the above screenshot you could see Translate Values. Its a special feature for fields in PeopleSoft application development. We will discuss about Translate Values in details in my next post.

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