Tuesday 1 September 2015

TRAINING (SQL-2) - Helpful SQL Plus & SQL script commands

Helpful SQL Plus & SQL script commands:
Below is live list of SQL Plus & SQL scripts commands. I will continuously keep updating this list at regular interval.

1.0) SHOW  ALL
For displaying the value of all the option for SQL plus
1.1) SHOW <option>
For displaying the SQL plus option value
2.0) REM
Used for remarks
3.0) SPOOL <path/filename>
Used for spooling the command output to a file
For  stopping the spool
4.0) PROMPT <messgae to display>
Used for displaying message on sql prompt. Same as echo command in batch/shell.
5.0) COMMENT ON TABLE <table name> IS <‘comment  description’>
Used for adding comment to a table
5.1) COMMENT ON COLUMN <Tablename.Fieldname> IS <‘comment  description’>
Used  for adding comment to a table’s field
6.0) COL <column nae> FORMAT A <width of column to display>
Used for formatting the display of sql output .
For example 
COL description FORMAT A 10
For clearing the column formatting

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